
  • 13 December 2006

    Seminar Series 3 Lecture 2 - Prof Irene McAra-McWilliam

    Location: Glasgow

    Prof Irene McAra-McWilliam, Head of the School of Design, The Glasgow School of Art: 'Creative Communities: design, technology and wellbeing'

    Key ideas:

    • Mundane imagination: the extrapolation of existing trends towards probable futures based on what we know about the present, but magnified.
    • Creative imagination: being able to synthesise and explore a range of possible futures based on the ability to empathise with a range of perspectives about the present.
    • Creative presents: the use of creativity and design to make ideas visible through the development of collective intelligence.
    • 1% design: starting to explore and make tangible, through participative action research, an idea in the present even when the final outcome is not known. 

    Lecture transcript

    Lecture summary

    Listen to the seminar