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Glasgow city food plan

Glasgow City Food Plan - consultation launch

4 Oct 2020

Over the past year we have been part of a multi-sector project group that has been working with over 80 partners to develop a draft plan aiming to make the food system in Glasgow more sustainable and provide a nutritious and affordable diet for all.

The food system encompasses all the processes needed to feed a population, including growing or producing food, distribution and getting rid of waste. It is influenced by the economy and society and political factors and affects our health and environment.

The proposed plan was informed by stakeholders’ knowledge and experience, submissions made to Glasgow City Council’s food inequality inquiry in 2018, and data, evidence and examples of good practice.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted weaknesses in our current food system but also mobilised innovative action in many communities, with dedicated individuals and community groups working tirelessly to get food to those in need.

The Food Plan that is going out for public consultation now reflects the city’s experience and learning from the pandemic. It also reflects the wider recognition of the pressing need to build a food system in Glasgow that is good for our citizens, our health and our environment and helps our city recover and rebuild in an equitable way.

The Food Plan has six themes: Food poverty - fair food for all, Community food, Food procurement, Food economy, Food waste and the environment, and Children and young people.

The Glasgow City Food Plan consultation includes an online survey and a range of engagement events. Feedback on the proposals is invited from communities, citizens, businesses and stakeholders across the city. 

It is important that the final version reflects the needs and priorities of the people of Glasgow and enables everyone to be part of a more just, sustainable, healthy food system.

To keep up to date on the progress of the plan and details of the consultation, please follow #GlasgowCityFoodPlan on Twitter or see the Glasgow Food Policy Partnership website.

Download the launch event press release (PDF).

Glasgow's food system infographic - if you require an accessible version or a transcript please email

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