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GoWell is a research and learning programme, investigating the impact of investment in housing and neighbourhood regeneration in Glasgow on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities.

Established in 2006, GoWell's long-term study design allows a range of neighbourhood, housing and health-related factors to be examined before, during and after changes take place. 

The regeneration of these communities involves a range of interventions including:

  • Housing improvements
  • Transformational regeneration
  • Resident relocation
  • The creation of mixed tenure communities
  • Changes in dwelling type (demolition of high-rise blocks and replacement with lower-rise flats and houses)
  • Community engagement and empowerment

GoWell is studying all of these and using a mixed range of methods is specifically looking at the impacts they may have in terms of four key sets of outcomes: residential satisfaction; social and community relations; individual and collective empowerment; and health and wellbeing. Health and wellbeing outcomes are conceived as resulting primarily from positive changes in the other three categories.

The programme has a separate website from which further background information on the programme, the various research and learning components, the different study area types and areas and all the publications to-date can be accessed. 

This film also provides a useful overview of the programme from some of the researchers and partners involved.