Berengere Chabanis
Berengere is one of two Communications Officers at GCPH focussed predominantly on our publications. She has lead responsibility for the proofing, editing, design and publication process for all of our outputs.
She also works across our digital platforms, producing videos and other visual content, and assists with GCPH events. She has a diverse background in communication and marketing, including roles in the third sector, with several Glasgow-based arts organisations, and with international extreme sports publications.
Berengere is one of two Communications Officers at GCPH focussed predominantly on our publications. She has lead responsibility for the proofing, editing, design and publication process for all of our outputs.
She also works across our digital platforms, producing videos and other visual content, and assists with GCPH events. She has a diverse background in communication and marketing, including roles in the third sector, with several Glasgow-based arts organisations, and with international extreme sports publications.
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