
  • 18 June 2008

    The Aftershock of Deindustrialisation

    Location: Glasgow

    This seminar took place in relation to the publication of the GCPH/NHS Health Scotland report, "The Aftershock of deindustrialisation: trends in mortality in Scotland & other parts of post-industrial Europe"

    AftershockOfDeindustrialisation Final Full

    The principal overall finding of the report was that the health of virtually all the comparable post-industrial European regions is improving faster than that of Scotland, and especially the West of Scotland. Speakers were invited to share the experience of four of the key regions included in the report with the audience. The regions were: Nord-Pas-de-Calais in France; the Ruhr in Germany; Northern Moravia in the Czech Republic; and Katowice in Poland.

    AftershockOfDeindustrialisation seminar programme

    Aftershock seminar slideshow
    (NB This is a large file (6.8mb) and may take some time to open on your computer)