Seminar Series 1: Lecture 6 - Dr Maureen O'Hara
Minding the Future
Key ideas:
- Glasgow (and cities like it) could be miners' canaries showing others the way ahead.
- How do we respond to the modern world? Neurotic response,Psychotic response, Transformation.
- We all have a story, in the modern world we are all immigrants.
- Need hospice workers for old world that is dying and midwives for the new world that is being born. In changing times, the collective consciousness must evolve or collapse, emergent new consciousness.

About the speaker
Dr. Maureen O'Hara is Professor in the Psychology Department at National University, La Jolla, CA and President Emerita of Saybrook Graduate School, San Francisco
Working with American psychologist Dr. Carl R. Rogers, she helped develop the Person-Centered Approach to psychotherapy and large group process. More recently her writings have examined the relationship between the "big picture" changes underway and internal psychological adaptation. Combining her background as psychotherapist, organizational consultant and futurist, she is a frequent keynote speaker nationally and internationally on the evolution of new ways of being in a changing world.
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