Sharing our work with speed dating and Open Doors
In September we opened our doors to the public as part of Glasgow’s Doors Open Days Festival. For the second year running, along with our University of Glasgow colleagues, we offered members of the public the opportunity to see behind the scenes of our offices in Bridgeton Cross, giving us a chance to engage, inspire and learn from our communities.
We were delighted to welcome 101 visitors over three days during the festival. Visitors were first introduced to us and our work, and were then free to explore the office. Lots of folk particularly enjoyed soaking up our great third floor views, offering a different perspective on the city, and exploring various exhibitions and films on our research.
A number of visitors were particularly interested in the work we do, investigating the key stats on their own part of the city through their Understanding Glasgow neighbourhood profile, and asked some thought-provoking and insightful questions. As part of the day we asked people to share their memories of the building, including:
Sixty-two years ago I was born in Dalmarnock Road, Bridgeton and I went to the Saturday matinee. Skipping in the side door to the pictures, if the door could be opened by a friend inside, to watch the minors’ film in the morning. This is the first time I have been back since it closed – a lot of good memories.
Our favourite piece of feedback was:
Keep trying to change the world for the better… no matter what the public say!?.
The team all found the conversations from our Doors Open Day visitors helpful – it keeps us in touch with what’s on the minds of people living in our city.. We’re keen to keep those conversations about ‘changing the world for the better’ going, and to continue sharing our work.
If you’ve looked up at the banners hanging from the Olympia Building, and wondered about the work that goes on inside; or you’ve been along to a GCPH event and would like to hear more about our different projects – or share a project of your own with us – we have another upcoming event for you.
Organised as part of the Festival of Social Science, on Thursday 9th November we are having an event to showcase our work – through speed-dating! Come along to the Event Space at the Glasgow Women’s Library from 4pm where we, and a host of our researcher colleagues, will be eager to talk about our work and why its relevance to people living in Glasgow and beyond.
Throughout the afternoon you’ll have a chance to rotate round the room, through a series of ‘dates’ with the friendly faces behind our research projects, getting to know as many folk as possible – all over a chat and a cuppa.
We hope to see you at the Glasgow Women’s Library on Thursday 9th.
Book now for the research ‘speed-dating’ session at the Glasgow Women’s Library
4pm-7pm, Thursday 9th November 2017
Glasgow Women’s Library, 23 Landressy Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow G40 1BP
Challenge Poverty Week 2017
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