Round 2 of the small grant scheme: the five funded projects
Last year, we supported eight local organisations to explore children and young people’s views on the relationship between climate change and health and wellbeing.
Building on the learning from this scheme, and applying a more targeted approach, we have now funded a further five organisations to deliver a climate-related project with young people in the run up to COP26. In this round, funding has been reserved for organisations working with young people who are traditionally marginalised by society, with priority being given to groups led by those with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 and groups who are not included in this legislation but who also face additional societal barriers.
In applying for the fund, each of the five successful organisations were able to demonstrate a commitment to engaging marginalised young people, as well as supporting the principles of diversity, co-production and sustainability in the delivery of their project. We are delighted to be working with the following organisations, and we look forward to showcasing their work in the future.
Glasgow Community Food Network
The Glasgow Community Food Network, with partners, Central and West Integration Network, have been running a series of workshops with young people aged 5-12 from Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME), refugee and asylum seeker families. These workshops have been centred around creative growing projects, with the aim of creating a connection with the local environment and educating on the impacts of climate change.
Glasgow Disability Alliance
A group of young Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA) members have worked with young people from YoMo (Young Movers) and Urban Fox to create and present an original legislative theatre play based on their experiences of climate challenges and wider environmental issues such as transportation, housing and urban design. The group have already performed for audiences of peers, Glasgow City Council (GCC) staff and elected representatives. Facilitated discussions with audience members after the performance have fed into specific policy proposals, which GCC policymakers will carry forward into strategic city plans.
Magic Torch Comics
Magic Torch Comics are working with New Scots and children with additional support needs to deliver two free workshops which allows young people to create comics which explore the climate crisis. The creative output will be two 4-page comics, which share young people’s views on the climate crisis and what the future might look like if the necessary steps to prevent climate change have been taken.
eQuality Time
White Water Writers is a programme delivered by eQuality Time. Twenty young people who are either care experienced, have a disability or are from a BAME background are writing two novels (one per team of ten) about how the lives of future young people in Glasgow may be affected by climate change. The novel includes professionally produced cover art designed by the young people involved.
St Angela’s Primary School
St Angela’s Primary School are using the fund to support a long-term plan called the SALTIRE project: St Angela's Learning Together in Respect for our Environment. Their plan is to develop the grounds in St Angela's Primary to provide an engaging and stimulating place for children to play, learn and explore outdoors, both during play and lunch times and during structured outdoor learning activities. This funding will be used to work with a group of BAME girls from primary 4 to 7.
Challenge Poverty Week 2021
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