Mental Health in Focus – a profile of mental health and wellbeing in Greater Glasgow & Clyde

It is widely recognised that good mental health is not only a significant asset for the individual but is both important and necessary for the successful functioning of communities and populations.

The following report, published in 2011, provides a comprehensive description of mental health in Greater Glasgow and Clyde, using over 51 indicators on mental health, wellbeing and related contextual factors. Profiles for the six local authorities are presented, together with the smaller intermediate zones and neighbourhoods. Inequalities in mental health are explored, specifically across area deprivation, age and sex.

Download the full report or see below to download specific sections. 

Section 1 - Executive Summary 

Section 3 - Inequalities in Greater Glasgow and Clyde 

Section 4 - Inequalities by sex 

Section 5 - Inequalities by area deprivation 

Section 6 - Inequalities by age 

Section 7 - Local authority profiles:

Section 8 -Mental health and wellbeing indicators 

Profiles for the intermediate zone and neighbourhoods can be downloaded from the list below.