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Seminar Series evaluation report

Date: September 2010
Category: Other
Author: FMR Research

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The focus of this evaluation included:

  • Overall perspective of the Series in general, what are its strengths and weaknesses?
  • What do participants feel they gain by attending?
  • Are the outputs being utilised and dissemintated effectively, i.e. podcasts and transcripts available to be downloaded from the website?
  • Are the ‘morning after discussions’ seen as being relevant and effective to take thinking on to action and are the appropriate people invited to them?
  • Are the themes covered relevant, appropriate and timely to the current landscape of health and wellbeing thinking?  Are there any missing themes?
  • Impact and influence – are the seminars impacting on activity and are they having an impact on people’s way of thinking?  Is that thinking being put into action?