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The Aftershock of Deindustrialisation phase two - WCS and Nord-Pas-de-Calais

Aug 2011

This case study is one of four which accompany the full report - Health and its determinants in Scotland and other parts of post-industrial Europe: The Aftershock of Deindustrialisation study - phase two. 

The case study report presents the analyses of routine administrative and survey data for the two post-industrial regions of West Central Scotland and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in France. 

This is part of a larger set of analyses exploring the reasons behind the poor health profile of West Central Scotland compared to other parts of Europe that have also experienced the economic,social and health impact of post industrial decline. 

The three other case studies which are available are: 

1. Case study: Health and its determinants in West Central Scotland compared to the Ruhr area in Germany 

2. Case study: Health and its determinants in West Central Scotland compared to Silesia in Poland 

3. Case study: Health and its determinants in West Central Scotland compared to Northern Moravia in the Czech Republic 

Health and its Determinants in West Central Scotland Compared to Nord-Pas-De-Calais in France

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