76 results found.
'Knowledge is Power' peer-led evaluation
Can Asset Based Community Development build wellbeing and resilience in communities?
News story
This is the third blog in our series looking at resilience and discusses building resilience in community settings.
Power - a health and social justice issue
News story
In this guest blog, Dr Andrew Fraser looks at power as a fundamental influence on health and our new short animation which helps promote understanding of the importance of power in shaping social and health inequalities.
What can drive change?
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The previous four blogs in this series have looked at the various areas in which women and non-binary people are marginalised and what is driving these social and systemic failures. This blog will focus on what could drive change going forward.
Health Inequalities in Scotland: Leaving No One Behind
News story
Chik Collins, Director, GCPH, and David Walsh, Programme Manager, GCPH
Power as a health and social justice issue
Anti-racism: disrupting and transforming systems
News story
In this blog, Shruti Jain shares her reflections on systems change and the need for meaningful collaboration that shares power, with the example of anti-racism.
Gender inequalities and intersectionality
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Previous blogs in this series have looked at gender inequality, how safe women and non-binary people feel in public spaces, what other systems fail women and non-binary people, and what can drive positive change. This blog considers intersectional issues.
Power, health and social justice - what do you think?
News story
Let us know your thoughts on our recent animation: 'Power as a health and social justice issue'.
Women’s public safety is a health issue
News story
This is the third in our series of blogs focusing on gender inequalities. Guest bloggers Dawn Fyfe and Amy Rew look at a new women's safety app and using the power of tech for change.